We will be celebrating Human Relations Sunday on Sunday, January 19th. In recognizing Human Relations Day, we are called to make an impact in communities where people struggle because they don’t have the tools or resources to reach their God-given potential. Our gifts are part of building beloved community through faith-based volunteer programs, community developers and programs that work with at-risk teens.
Tuesday, February 4th @ 6:00pm at PUMC.
Light meal provided-everyone welcome!
Sunday, February 16th, following 9:30am worship.
Hosted by PUMC Men’s Ministry.
We invite all Scouts to join us for this special worship service.
*We have a few spots left in our 3-year-old classes for the second half of the school year. Students can start anytime during the calendar year.
Contact Dani at dani.pumc@gmail.com or 309-253-8186 for more information on enrollment, tuition, tours and more! We have class options for Pre-K and 3 year olds.
Pre-K Monday-Thursday AM (4 day) 8:30-11:00am
Panda 3’s Monday/Wednesday/Friday AM (3 day) 8:30-11:30am
Panda 3’s Tuesday/Thursday AM (2 day) 8:30-11:30am
Our next drive is scheduled for Thursday, January 30th, 2025 from 1 pm to 5 pm. Sign up link below:
Help needed to unload food into the pantry at 1:30pm.
Help needed to unload food into the pantry at 1:30pm.
Food donations can be dropped off to Dani Monday-Thursdays from 9:30-1:30 or you can drop off donations on Sundays in the bin by the Welcome Desk.
Monetary Donations are always welcome! Give now by clicking on the DONATE button on the header or text: PUMCGIVE to 73256. Checks can be made payable to PUMC with “food pantry” on the memo line. You can leave donations in the offering on Sundays or send them in to the church.